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Urban growth of Sabará [MG]: modification and preservation of the city according to its Legal planning instruments
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urban growth
cultural heritage
Minas Gerais

How to Cite

Silva, J. P. da. (2010). Urban growth of Sabará [MG]: modification and preservation of the city according to its Legal planning instruments. Labor E Engenho, 4(2), 1–16.


This article discusses the role of standards to stabilize the territory outside the urban development area that has a legacy distinguished by its historical character and urban planning. Aiming to developa research on urban planning, the mining town of Sabara is the focus of analysis in this article. This a priori for two reasons: first because it is a different area, with buildings protected by tipping conducted by the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Heritage - Iphan, and other fallen at the municipal level, and second, because of being inserted in the Sahara Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, and being very close to the state capital. In this context of intentions, this article develops from the completion of review of historic proportions, trying, twice, an understanding of the dynamics of the town of Sabara and an understanding of its passage in time, particularly the changes in its surrounding territory. Associates, the two perspectives will contribute to the analysis of rules, and understanding of the role played by the same tendencies in the articulation of modification and maintenance of the town of Sabará.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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