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Interventions in the urban space: a challenge for the landscape. The case of Valença [Bahia] Brazil
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cultural landscape
urban planning

How to Cite

Cunha, E. J. R. (2010). Interventions in the urban space: a challenge for the landscape. The case of Valença [Bahia] Brazil. Labor E Engenho, 4(2), 17–33.


The present article aims to showing the results of a research on the Cultural Landscape of Valença, Bahia, Brasil, developed between the months of april and october of 2010 with contribution of the National Institute of Historical and Artistic Patrimony. The experience of Valença points out the relevance of material and immaterial aspects in the process of producing the cities, and indicates that the disrespect of thos aspects can cause urbanistic solutions that are capable of seriously compromising entire contexts of living and cultural environment created by nature and human work throughout the time. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the enviroment of significant number of families that depend on artisanal fishing and naval carpinter's art. These occupations are the main cultural asset of Valença. At this time, however, it faces a great cultural difficulty and the risk of imminent vanishment.
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