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An experience on management of public space and enhancement of Heritage: squares restoration for Traslasierra tourist route
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regional development
university extension
tourist project

How to Cite

Buguñá, P., Cometta, C., Ilvento, P., & Fernandez, E. (2010). An experience on management of public space and enhancement of Heritage: squares restoration for Traslasierra tourist route. Labor E Engenho, 4(2), 66–77.


They summarize the experience that appears is being carried out in the locality of La Paz, Province ofCordova, Argentina. The Municipality of La Paz, includes small towns and counts on a population of approximately 2000 hab. The project is framed within a program of promotion of the Sustainable Development for municipalities developed from the Institute of the Human Atmosphere “Liliana Rainis” of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Diseño (FAUD) of the National University of Cordova (UNC) the Institute of the Human Atmosphere “Liliana Rainis”, of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanismand Diseño (FAUD) of the National University of Cordova (UNC). The project of intervention of the seats of La Paz, the Small farms, Tipped Quebracho, Cane Cross and Hill Ball presents/displays like main target its restoration, putting in value and integration to the tourist circuit of the Region of Traslasierra that, jointly with the integration of the Chapels to the space of the seats tries to revitalize these spaces public for the development of cultural, tourist activities and the artisan premises.
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