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The birth of petroleum landscape in the region of Poza Rica [Veracruz], México
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Regional development
Poza Rica.

How to Cite

Martell Contreras, M. L., & Acosta, J. A. C. (2012). The birth of petroleum landscape in the region of Poza Rica [Veracruz], México. Labor E Engenho, 6(4), 1–10.


Oil field ́s location and oil ́s extraction at Veracruz ́s North (Mexico), have been very important activities for the economy ́s development in the country, for the past 60 years. The boom that the oil ́s industry has had in the area had modificated the social landscapes and it had directly impacted, social and economic contexts. This article is a review about the way the oil ́s activity has been impacting in the landscapes transformation.
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