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Necaxa, Industrial Heritage of Mexico and the world
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Cradle of the electrical industry
Industrial Heritage.

How to Cite

Romero Rodríguez, J. (2012). Necaxa, Industrial Heritage of Mexico and the world. Labor E Engenho, 6(4), 11–20.


This collaboration aims to raise awareness of the importance of Necaxa as the birthplace of the electricity industry in Mexico and Latin America. This acknowledgment can create conditions for institutional support. Also for security measures to generate hydroelectric system Necaxa. The presidential decree extinguishing the parastatal company Luz y Fuerza del Centro, which operates Necaxa facilities, exacerbates deterioration. Moreover, the government threatens to change its original use as electricity generating plant to a pumping and treatment wastewater plant. This struggle to preserve the industrial heritage unique in the world, is not isolation, goes hand in hand with the struggle of the electrical workers who were stripped of their jobs, and they are kept in resistance. In Necaxa, the town has become a bastion of workers struggle and an example of opposition to the government action, as they have been electricians for over 100 years.
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