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Perception and ownership as indicators of the concept of Heritage. Case Bogota Foundational Centers
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Bogota. Heritage. Cultural assets.

How to Cite

López, M. C. T., Alfonso, M. R., & Olaya, Y. P. R. (2015). Perception and ownership as indicators of the concept of Heritage. Case Bogota Foundational Centers. Labor E Engenho, 9(3), 33–45.


In 1954, through Departmental Order (Administrative Council of Cundinamarca) Bogota joined with nearby municipalities (Usaquén, Suba, Engativá, Fontibón, Bosa and Usme) configured as District. Despite remain as foundational centers declared Cultural Heritage Material, these annexes have not been valued patrimonially by the community that lives there, and over time have lost their historical and cultural significance, showing a total lack of cohesion between them and the Capital District since its connotation as cultural assets. Social, territorial and economic relations between them basically do not exist today. This article presents the values obtained from the Declaration and the perception that the community has of them for their appropriation, exercise achieved from an academic process with the participation of students of Architecture of the University's Great Colombia.
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