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"Canoe pusher get nothing": The sailboat of Grajaú River and the movement of goods, people and dreams
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Grajaú river. Navigation. Movement.

How to Cite

Pachêco Filho, A. K. G. (2015). "Canoe pusher get nothing": The sailboat of Grajaú River and the movement of goods, people and dreams. Labor E Engenho, 9(2), 55–69.


On the river named Grajaú, its navigation and importance to the movement of people and goods in Maranhão from fragments of vareiros memory. The Grajaú river though difficult to navigate, it has become the way to the north and natural corridor to export and import of the whole center and hinterland south of Maranhão, expanding trade area in the region to the north of Goiás and south of Pará. With the emergence of trucks, since 1950, used to transport goods in the region, there was a trend of decrease waterway Navigation, especially in the summer, when the river stopped be navigated by large ships. The waters of the Grajaú not only transported products. As a connection, the river carried one of the main characters of this movement, the vareiros. These workers of the river, push ships with sticks, full of goods, against the current of the river, shared experiences in two very different environments: the coast and the hinterland.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Alan Kardec Gomes Pachêco, Grajaú [MA].

Darci Mendonça, Vitória do Mearim [MA].

Deodato Martins, Grajaú [MA].

José Camilo, Grajaú [MA].

Edivalson Silva, Grajaú [MA].

José Rodrigues, Vitória do Mearim [MA].

Libéria Lima Sousa (Libéria Capão), Grajaú [MA].

Luiz Alves de Arruda, Grajaú [MA].

Nego Brito, Vitória do Mearim [MA].

Virgulino Guajajaa, Grajaú [MA].

Wilson Assunção Cunha, São Luís [MA].

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