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Citizen participation, indispensable factor in the generation of urban design projects that respond to the needs of users in Mexico
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Citizen participation. Urban design projects. Urban planning.

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Muñoz, F. F., & Montoya, O. L. N. (2015). Citizen participation, indispensable factor in the generation of urban design projects that respond to the needs of users in Mexico. Labor E Engenho, 9(3), 46–57.


The relationship between urban design projects with users, it is evident that the importance of public participation in the development of the realization and implementation of these projects; being one of the aspects that aroused the interest in developing the research project "Citizen Participation and rehabilitation of public spaces in the downtown area of Aguascalientes. The cases of Madero and Venustiano Carranza Zaragoza streets" in the which it aims to propose a model for the process of developing an urban design project that incorporates citizen participation effectively, based on the analysis of cases of Madero and Venustiano Carranza Zaragoza streets and analysis theoretical framework of the research project; This research is being done within the Doctorate of Science of the Anthropic Areas, which is being conducted at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes. The aim expose in this paper is the importance of public participation in a key stage in the process of realization and implementation of a project of urban design, urban planning stage, to substantiate the development stage of the project design city; this proposal derived from the analysis of the knowledge acquired through the research project being conducted within the PhD. The set in our research project to develop the stages in the process of realization and implementation of an urban design project, made up, urban planning, studies to substantiate the project, zoning scheme, the draft, the project executive, project implementation and monitoring, control and evaluation of urban design project realized; allowed to establish the stages where citizen participation is essential, and these stages, identifying the aspects that will be enriched with the knowledge gained from this participation. Considering the participation of citizens from the realization of urban development programs, whether in cities, partial, sectoral or development schemes localities, allow to be reflected in these programs planning of urban spaces really required citizenship also will access the urban design projects of these spaces, provided with sufficient basis to meet the needs of the population. The work done at the stage of urban planning in conjunction with the granting of citizenship will allow to build the urban space, structure, characteristics and performance that generate people to develop their urban activities properly in the field of city also expressed by the public would provide information that would give the necessary steps bases, studies to substantiate the project, zoning, and the draft scheme, which will be essential stages in the process of realization and implementation of the design project Urban performed.
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