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Setting and assessment of aggregate models for SHP's cost estimates in Brazil
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Small Hydro Power (SHP). Cost estimating. Economic feasibility.

How to Cite

Santos, I. F., Tiago Filho, G. L., Barros, R. M., & Lemos, H. (2015). Setting and assessment of aggregate models for SHP’s cost estimates in Brazil. Labor E Engenho, 9(3), 13–22.


The feasibility of hydroelectric generation projects should be tested before the construction of the same. For this are necessary cost estimates, which are usually constructed from historical data. However the construction of these models, with satisfactory precision, can become difficult and even impossible, due to the technical, environmental and social particularities of each Project. In this context several authors have developed equations for determining costs of Small Hydropower in various regions of the world. This article analyzes and compares, using graphical and statistical parameters, three different methodologies for estimating costs applied to the Brazilian scenario with local cost data from actual enterprises. The impact of different approaches on the benefits and on the optimal point of a project to establish a PCH was also checked. The results were analyzed and discussed.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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