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Evaluation of the Photovoltaic System Installation Impact to an Electric Power Grid Part 2: Impact analysis of photovoltaic installation to an electric power grid by applying a nonlinear analysis model


System dynamics
Sensitivity analysis
Energi cost
Renewable energy
Photovoltaics meteorology
Eletric power grid

How to Cite

Ernesto Wyss Porras, J., Shimada, S., Yoshino, J., & Kobayashi, T. (2016). Evaluation of the Photovoltaic System Installation Impact to an Electric Power Grid Part 2: Impact analysis of photovoltaic installation to an electric power grid by applying a nonlinear analysis model. Labor E Engenho, 10(1), 17–30.


The impact of the installation of a large-scale photovoltaic (PV) system to the electric power grid management is analyzed in a series of two works: Part 1 and Part 2. The PV generation is estimated in Part 1. By applying the results of Part 1, the Guatemala’s electric power grid management is simulated with a virtually-installed large-scale PV system using a nonlinear analysis model in this work, Part 2. The thermal power plants reduced their operation in the simulation by installing the PV system, however the effect of the PV system installation to the plants is different in each thermal power plant. The contribution of the PV installation to the reduction of operation of the largest generation thermal plants is very limited or null, because of their high efficiency and low cost in operation. On the other hand, the middle-large generation thermal power plants reduce their operation after installing PV system in this simulation. The reduction of thermal plants’ operation becomes large, but its reduction gradient becomes small as the PV installing capacity becomes large.


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