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It is water… and social participation
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Disaster with water. Mountain cities of Rio de Janeiro. Social participation. Disaster reduction. Emergency plans.

How to Cite

Portella, S., Oliveira, S. S., & Dutra, R. (2015). It is water… and social participation. Labor E Engenho, 9(4), 66–75.


Social issues were sharpened by the generalization of environmental problems resulting from own human actions that can be discussed from a catalytic word of all these uncertainties: water. And pointing to the need for social participation for its confrontation. However, under the expression social participation is home to the most varied actions, shapes and conceptions of what would be a popular, community and social mobilization in their relationship with the powers that be and knowledge. Much has been made for patterns and production metrics that can measure the quality of an action so that it could be included under the huge "sombrero" social participation. However, it is precisely in search of the measure, metric and mathematization of participation that is lost the bulk of its quality, which relativizes their quantity, which is social innovation held. Therefore, we argue in this article that all social participation is located, and so should be recorded and studied, and supported. In this sense, the objective of this test was to record and discuss from the case study of the reconstruction of the mountain cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) after January 11, 2011, a certain collective production experience emergency plan which mobilized the entire territory and the entire population of the city and the inability of governments and researchers to absorb it.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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