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Measurement of Habitat Development Index (IDeHa) for Aguascalientes [Mexico]
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Índice de desarrollo del hábitat. Aguascalientes. Pobreza. Desarrollo sustentable. Calidad de vida.

How to Cite

Ruiz Morales, M., & Acosta Collazo, A. (2016). Measurement of Habitat Development Index (IDeHa) for Aguascalientes [Mexico]. Labor E Engenho, 10(2), 128–142.


At present, it is essential to include multidimensional variables to measure the quality of life and the growth rate of a population sector. Therefore, this article shows an innovative way to measure the development of the human habitat. The measurement is done considering variables of population, housing and connectivity of a specific sector in a city. This paper shows the methodology for the construction of Habitat Development Index (IDeHa) and shows a measurement for three representative areas of the city of Aguascalientes.
PDF (Español (España))


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