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Cartography of memory. Reading the landscape traces of marès quarries in Mallorca
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Mallorca. Memory. Quarries. Landscape.

How to Cite

Salvà Matas, C. (2016). Cartography of memory. Reading the landscape traces of marès quarries in Mallorca. Labor E Engenho, 10(1), 60–73.


The process of highlighting the sandstone quarries as a typical landscape of Mallorca means to understand how they have influenced its formation. The aim of this research is the demonstration of the originary hypotheses of the thesis, which understands that the sandstone quarries are modelers of the island’s identity and, therefore, deserve to be recognized as components of value in the territory. The process of recognition of the Quarries Landscape in Mallorca is born from the analysis through representing this study case. Memory, as an intangible element, is not materially present in the territory, but has set the presence of traces which make possible reading it. The reconstruction of the memory linked to the sandstone quarries through mapping the process that has originated them and reading from their intangible traces will allow us to view their collective imaginary as a landscape image determining an identity, both recognized and awaiting to be discovered.
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