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Landscapes in transit: the case of Park Road Taguatinga
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Paisagem. Cotidiano. Descrição etnográfica. Estrada-parque.

How to Cite

Silva, S. F. da, & Saboia, L. (2016). Landscapes in transit: the case of Park Road Taguatinga. Labor E Engenho, 10(3), 302–312.


This paper investigates the experience of the landscape in everyday life over mobility infrastructures through the case study Estrada Parque Taguatinga (EPTG), DF-085. The discussion has two components, one theoretical and another empirical. The first one will examine the role of the road infrastructure in recognition of the territory and its landscapes, the perception modes in daily commuting and the motion experience itself. Besides, the empirical component will be developed according to the case study, starting with a brief parkway historiography, its edges, uses and configurations; as well as analyzes based on interpretative anthropology, and its ethnographic description and participant observation tools, in order to identify those landscapes, constantly changing. Besides situating the citizens’ narratives in their paths, crossings and sensitive experiences which they establish with the territory and with the parkway in the everyday life.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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