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Exchanges on the notion of cultural landscape: the experience in the city of Daxu [Jianghua County, Hunan] China
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Cultural landscape. Academic exchange. Urban and Territorial planning. China.

How to Cite

Orduña, P., Pesoa, M., & Wu, H. (2016). Exchanges on the notion of cultural landscape: the experience in the city of Daxu [Jianghua County, Hunan] China. Labor E Engenho, 10(3), 268–282.


This article tries to summarize the experience of an academic exchange on the incorporation of "cultural landscape" notion as an instrument for urban and regional planning in a small Chinese village called Daxu. In the context of Chinese's accelerated urban and territorial transformation process, this experience tackles the problem of incorporating the concept of "cultural landscape" in this rural municipality master plan in order to create a sustainable local development.
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