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Integration between flood control measures and the social enjoyment of the urban area in Jacaré river basin, Rio de Janeiro municipality
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Detention basin. Modified-Puls Routing
Social Use.

How to Cite

Bragança, L. de S., Fonseca, P. L. da, & Hora, M. de A. G. M. da. (2016). Integration between flood control measures and the social enjoyment of the urban area in Jacaré river basin, Rio de Janeiro municipality. Labor E Engenho, 10(4), 357–368.


The present case study aimed to propose a systemic approach on the rainwater management in the Jacaré river watershed, located in Rio de Janeiro [RJ], contemplating an open off-line detention basin, with a total area of 16,000 m² and a depth of 3 m, operated through gravity, for flood control. The project hydrograph was determined by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) method, for the return periods of 5, 10 and 25 years and critical time equivalent to the watershed’s time of concentration. The peak flow obtained for the evaluated return periods was equivalent to 38.78 m³/s, 50.15 m³/s and 68.82 m³/s, respectively. The reservoir routing obtained through Modified-Puls Routing resulted in a peak flow reduction of 86% for a 5-year return period, 71% for 10 years and 54% for 25 years. The proposed reservoir was designed to allow multiple uses and the integration with the urban space, through the adequacy of the detention basin on a grass soccer field, in addition to a living area, a leisure area for children and elderly exercises. Thus, it would be possible to add social value to the local community.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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