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The urban-rural edge planning: the Finger Plan case, in Copenhagen [Denmark]
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Urban-rural edge. Finger plan. Copenhague.

How to Cite

López-Goyburu, P. (2017). The urban-rural edge planning: the Finger Plan case, in Copenhagen [Denmark]. Labor E Engenho, 11(1), 37–47.


Urban sprawl invades the vast rural area with very low density residential areas to wipe out the natural qualities, economic and social aspects of rural areas. To ensure that the institutions can plan that space is necessary to find tools that allow us to act on this territory.To develop this goal requires a review of the proposals that sets the last urban plan made. The methodology applied is qualitative. The purpose is to explain the intervention strategies in the urban rural edge. To do this, analyzes and evaluates the plan through three perspectives (nodes, infrastructure and open spaces).The results show that the plan establishes a structure that result in a space of urban-rural edge with a definite shape. The study shows how the hierarchy of places, the hierarchy of roads and the use of open spaces allow to structure the territory. The overlap and interrelation of these instruments has generated an order that makes reading, orientation and conformation of flexible and adaptable to the successive changes but within the framework established by the urban-rural boundaries structure.
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