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The urban watershed as basic unit for sustainable development in the Colombian Tropical Andean Mountain Cities: the hydro-structure in the sustainable urban watershed
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Watersheds. Urban watersheds. Geomorphology. Tropical Andean mountain. Territorial planning. Intermediate city.

How to Cite

Agredo Cardona, G. A., & Alvarez Ysabel, S. T. (2017). The urban watershed as basic unit for sustainable development in the Colombian Tropical Andean Mountain Cities: the hydro-structure in the sustainable urban watershed. Labor E Engenho, 11(1), 18–29.


This paper proposes a new model for urban spatial planning, based on urban watersheds as planning units for territorial sustainability in the government policy process, territorial divisions and urban interventions with an scarce use of concepts of environmental conservation of ecosystems; recognizing the watershed transformation into urban basins, as a need for human habitation, but trying to find a proposal balance between ecosystem and culture. For the study analysis, compilation and documentation on the regulations issued by the State in Colombia and other policies and concepts of national and international order were consulted. It refer to IGAC database mapping to generated data output related to the study area, present in the files of the National University of Colombia, and the bibliographical documents that support concepts used in this research.  As a result, graphical new spatial mapping units and their theoretical foundation are proposed for the urban planning cities.
PDF (Español (España))


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