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Tobacco Manufactures: definition of an architectural typology and its influences
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Tobacco Manufacture. Cultural Heritage. Typology.

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Mota, L. G. S., & Machado, L. F. S. V. L. (2017). Tobacco Manufactures: definition of an architectural typology and its influences. Labor E Engenho, 11(1), 48–57.


The text shows the result of an investigation about architectural typologies of tobacco manufactures, aiming to establish relations between analyzed buildings. The work incorporates a survey of old national and international tobacco factories, involving historical and physical data of the buildings, including demolitions, interventions and restorations, among other aspects to which old constructions were submitted. Such data were obtained through articles, books and internet. After the organization of the data in fiches, it was possible to make comparisons between the studied buildings, thus portraying the main characteristics and influences of the international typology to the tobacco manufactures of Brazil. The final result presented here aims to give subsidies to future interventions in buildings of the same typology.
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