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Evaluation of the implantation of green roofs in urban basins to control surface runoff: a case study in the basin of the Morto river, Rio de Janeiro
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FINEP Research Network BRUM. LIUDD. Green Roofs. SWMM. Flooding Control.

How to Cite

Nunes, D. M., Silva, L. P. da, & Fonseca, P. L. da. (2017). Evaluation of the implantation of green roofs in urban basins to control surface runoff: a case study in the basin of the Morto river, Rio de Janeiro. Labor E Engenho, 11(3), 374–393.


This paper discusses the role of green roofs in the low impact urban design and development. The issues related to urban storm water management are deepened and the performance of green roofs is evaluated as devices in micro and macro drainage systems. The methodology involved the application of hydrologicalhydraulic computational models through a case study in a catchment located in peri-urban landscape area in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The adopted US-EPA SWMM model allows these devices to be hypothetically inserted into pre-existing buildings. Through the study of scenarios without and with insertion of green roofs, the role of these devices can be evaluated in the reduction of the volumes surface runoff and the maximum instantaneous stream flow, as well as of the conditions of river flow floods under real intense rain observed in April 2010. The results showed that, despite not reversing the river flow floods, the green roofs had an impact on the reduction of the volumes surface runoff, which aggravate urban floods, and the maximum instantaneous flow rate up to approximately 10%. From these results and the evaluation of the other synergies of the green roofs with the low impact urban design and development, it is recommended the encouragement of public policies that can make its adoption feasible in the Brazilian cities with a view to improving the quality of life of the population that inhabits urban agglomerations.
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