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Modernization and industrialization in colonial context: the oil exploration in Angola (1965-1974)
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Industrial development. Oil industry. Portuguese colonialism.

How to Cite

Pires, L. A. (2017). Modernization and industrialization in colonial context: the oil exploration in Angola (1965-1974). Labor E Engenho, 11(4), 507–519.


During the post-war, the Estado Novo conducted the economic development of the overseas provinces and during the 1960’s Angola became a paradigmatic example of the economic value of the colonies and the government’s investment in industrial infrastructures. With this article it is intended to contribute to deepen the study of a particular sector – the oil industry – in the relations between the local economic elites and the metropolitan government in the political situation of the final period of the dictatorship, especially bearing in mind the resistance movements and the colonial war, and still of the perception of the 1973 oil crisis and its consequences.
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