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Alternatives for the management of sludge from decentralized sewage treatment systems in rural areas
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Wastewater treatment. Wastewater treatment decentralized. Sludge. Sludge management. Septic tank.

How to Cite

Tonetti, A. L., Duarte, N. C., Figueiredo, I. C. S., & Brasil, A. L. (2018). Alternatives for the management of sludge from decentralized sewage treatment systems in rural areas. Labor E Engenho, 12(1), 145–152.


The lack of wastewater collection and treatment is a common issue in Brazil. The usual solution adopted in rural areas is throwing the wastewater directly in dug-out holes, which are known as pit latrines. Brazilian regulations (NBR 7229, 1993 and NBR 13969, 1997) state that the most appropriate treatment system in these cases would be a septic tank followed by a post treatment system. However, this alternative produces sludge that needs to be properly managed. Thus, three options for management of sludge from a rural area from the city of Campinas (São Paulo) are discussed in this work. 1) Sludge removal by outsourced company; 2) Sludge management by city’s sanitation company; 3) Sludge management by local community. Considering only economic factors, it was concluded that the sludge management by city’s sanitation company would be the most beneficial alternative for the community.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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