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Walking on the North-South Trail: green infrastructure between Parque da Agua Branca and Horto Florestal in Sao Paulo [SP]
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Green infrastructure. Walking. Cool pavement. Parks. Urban heat islands.

How to Cite

Maruyama, C. M., & Franco, M. A. R. (2017). Walking on the North-South Trail: green infrastructure between Parque da Agua Branca and Horto Florestal in Sao Paulo [SP]. Labor E Engenho, 11(3), 355–373.


Green infrastructure proposes an alternative to gray traditional urbanization. Among the several benefits provided by this approach are the mitigation of the effects of urban heat islands, the sustainable management of rainwater and the improvement of non-motorized transport. On the other hand, sidewalks with good arborization and adequate dimensions can provide the conditions for urban comfort. This article is part of Project FAPESP No. 2015 / 10597-0 Green Infrastructure for the Urban Resilience to Climate Change of the City of São Paulo, under the responsibility of Maria de Assunção Ribeiro Franco. This article studies the hypothesis that good quality sidewalks situated in public spaces can stimulate the practice of walking, because practice of regular physical activity is important for the maintenance of the population health. Among the several possible modalities, walking is an economical way to exercise and within the reach of most people. Purposes of this study are to analyze the conditions of the sidewalks and the habits related to the practice of walking, as well as to identify the places where this practice is carried out and the customs referring to the use of squares and parks. Another purpose is to analyze the temperature of the area in relation to the urban heat islands. The applied methodology was based on collecting data of the physical conditions of both, the sidewalks and their vegetation, in 04 points located in a stretch between the Água Branca park and Horto Florestal region in São Paulo / SP, as well as through the application of a survey investigating users opinions regarding the mentioned topic. As an overview of the interviews, 35% of respondents said that they did not felt good about walking and the main reason was the inadequacy of the sidewalk conditions.  On the other hand, 80% of users indicated that there is more willingness to walk if there is more afforestation on the streets.  With the results of this research it was concluded that, for the studied area, the hypothesis was confirmed in parts of the study area and the quality of the sidewalks must be improved mainly by increasing the number of trees and, so encouraging people to the practice of walking. It was also observed the need to increase security within the studied areas plazas, as well the need to increase the options for leisure and sports. At last, urban heat islands were observed in the study area, especially where the arborization was deficient. Possibilities to mitigate the effects of these heat islands within a green infrastructure include massive planting of trees and other types of vegetation, adoption of green ceilings and cool pavements on the streets.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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