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Carioca River, a national imaginary: from indigenous legend to oblivion
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Memory. Identity. Cultural landscape. Carioca River.

How to Cite

Figueiredo, N. de O., Alves, L. A. dos R., & Saleiro Filho, M. (2017). Carioca River, a national imaginary: from indigenous legend to oblivion. Labor E Engenho, 11(2), 116–127.


The main objective of this article is to reflect on the relationship between Rio Carioca, Rio de Janeiro city and its recognition with the population of the city in terms of memory and identity. In order to obtain the achieved goal, we began our research with a brief explanation of the political-pedagogical project of the nationalist ideology promoted by the former Imperial Arts Academy of of Rio de Janeiro in the 19th century. We chose as a starting point and at the same time as "anchoring" of our reflections, the painting titled "A carioca", an idealized portrait of nationalist identity of Rio Carioca authored by the artist Pedro Américo. Next, we develop a brief history about Rio Carioca delineating its original path and changes that have occurred over time. We identified and elected 5 (five) places in their course, and in these interviews and graphic registration were carried out in order to verify the proposed goal.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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