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Cultural [factories & networks]. Strategic Industrial Heritage to organize the territory
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Heritage. Museums. Urban regeneration. Regional networks.

How to Cite

Romero Branchadell, K. (2018). Cultural [factories & networks]. Strategic Industrial Heritage to organize the territory. Labor E Engenho, 12(1), 47–70.


Public institutions are fostering culture as a sustainable and equitable development driving force, by locating cultural facilities in different points of the city and the territory. These centres are connected by networks, located in spaces that were previously used in a different ways, and that extend their activities beyond their walls. To better understand and confirm the increasing complexity of the relationship between the museum and the city, we analyse different case-studies in the province of Barcelona. We specifically study the networks of Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA) and the Regional Structure of the National Science and Technology Museum of Catalonia (mNACTEC), including 4 centres, all of them public and located in former factories. We introduce the concept of Cultural Factory, industrial heritage transformed into museum that play a strategic role connecting different scales and fragments of the city, thanks to its representativeness, configuration and location. Therefore, the objective of our ongoing research is to explain the decentralization of this museums and its relationships, as a key that allow cultural networks to build more cohesive neighbourhoods, more sensitive with their past, and ready for their future.
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