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The construction of the tourist landscape in the city of Buenos Aires. A perspective on the development of the tourist city
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Touristscape. Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires — Tourist Guides.

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Rodriguez, L. (2018). The construction of the tourist landscape in the city of Buenos Aires. A perspective on the development of the tourist city. Labor E Engenho, 12(1), 108–125.


This article proposes an approach to the tourist landscape of the city of Buenos Aires, one of the most important destinations in Latin America, based on the analysis of certain actions that the actors involved in its development carry out. These actions, closely linked to the context of habits, customs and fashions in which they are inserted, both their promoters (public and private sector) and their users (tourists and residents), are often intended to indicate the attractions that must be visited within the city. The importance of examining these selections lies precisely in the symbolic and material transformations that they can arouse in the places involved. Based on the study of tourist guides and content communities, a possible analysis model for the study of the tourist landscape is proposed, in order to detect, in the first instance, the main morphological features and representations that characterize it.
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