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The Khôra of the commons. The role of civil society in two productive landscapes of Llobregat River
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Khôra — cultural landscapes. Khôra — local community. Productive landscapes.

How to Cite

Rocamonde Lourido, J. (2018). The Khôra of the commons. The role of civil society in two productive landscapes of Llobregat River. Labor E Engenho, 12(1), 126–144.


The starting point of this article is The Khôra of the commons metaphor. First of all, we’ll discuss the role of civil society in the design and preservation of two productive landscapes linked to the Llobregat River. In addition, we will analyse the relationship between agents and landscape that follows dynamics dependent of social, economic and urban context. We will compare two case studies in order to better understand those phenomena (Infanta canal and Can Batlló factory). In conclusion this paper synthetizes several periods common to both case studies that explain the changing relationship between actors and landscape.
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