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Electric landscapes and new economies: values, assets, social responsibility and management
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Electric Assets – disposal. Total Economic Value (TEV). Corporate Sociale Responsable (CSR). Creating Shared Valuing

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Coscia, C. (2017). Electric landscapes and new economies: values, assets, social responsibility and management. Labor E Engenho, 11(4), 436–445.


In the face of impressive industrial restructuring operations - in particular the rethinking of the full economic process of energy production - involving many areas of the West (and not only) an emerging issue is that the disposal of the electrical assets and the requalification of the contexts. The process of the valorisation - disciplinedly consolidated - for this sector offers suggestions of research and debate with some elements of innovation: 1) a reinterpretation of the theory of value and its classical components; 2) the synergy between architectural interventions and structural economic interventions; 3) the urgency of census, knowledge building through databases and new information flows; 4) the control management process. The contribution aims to rethink the state of the art on the subject and to reinterpret in the light of the new approaches to valorisation combined with an environmental and circular economy. They support this critical analysis, the reading of Italian national cases (from Enel's operations) and international ones, where they are already generating externalities, intangibles and expected benefits as well as economic surplus.
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