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The industry of electricity and its architecture
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Hydroelectric power plants. Architecture. Iconography. Piero Portaluppi. Giovanni Muzio.

How to Cite

Vigliocco, E. (2017). The industry of electricity and its architecture. Labor E Engenho, 11(4), 400–411.


At the end of the nineteenth century a new industry was established: the electricity production industry. Worldwide, new companies face this new market with the ambition of intercepting the interest of new consumers. The case of AEG is emblematic and the assignment to Peter Behrens, in 1907, to set up a new image of the company determines the birth of the art director's profession. The German example is followed, albeit less radically, by the most important Italian entrepreneurs on the national scene: Conti and Breda, respectively, commission to Piero Portaluppi and Giovanni Muzio the design of their first hydroelectric power plants in Val d'Ossola and Valtournenche. These first occasions constitute the "germ" through which the architects, having recognized the critical competence of the communicative and symbolic value of architecture, through their work, renew their role as complementary to engineers.
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