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The hydroelectric power plant of the Widemann cotton mill (San Germano Chisone, Turin): perspectives of knowledge, conservation and enhancement.
PDF (Italiano)


Hydroelectric power plant. Projects. Archive. Conservation. Enhancement.

How to Cite

Rudiero, R. (2017). The hydroelectric power plant of the Widemann cotton mill (San Germano Chisone, Turin): perspectives of knowledge, conservation and enhancement. Labor E Engenho, 11(4), 492–506.


Alpine valleys Pellice, Chisone and Germanasca, at whose feet lies the town of Pinerolo (TO), were among the first most industrialized areas of the Savoy state, vocation still spotted in the wide network of material evidences, such as production complexes, social facilities built for the working class, water channeling, electrification system. About the latter, there are still many active structures in the production of electricity. Some of them are dismantling, others are in operation, others are in the process of being transformed. This contribution will be focused on the case of the hydroelectric power plant of Widemann cotton mill in San Germano Chisone (TO), where the analysis of the existing structures and a diachronic reading of the archive documents has allowed to reconstruct its history and has provided the basis for some suggestions related to its conservation and enhancement.
PDF (Italiano)


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