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Women do fish: continental artisanal fishing in Porto Said, Botucatu [state of Sao Paulo] Brazil
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Barra Bonita Hydroelectric Plant. Fisherwoman. Porto Said. Environmental identity.

How to Cite

Balsalobre, B. P., Annibelli, M. B., & Athias, I. B. (2018). Women do fish: continental artisanal fishing in Porto Said, Botucatu [state of Sao Paulo] Brazil. Labor E Engenho, 12(2), 230–239.


Despite the historic denial and neglect of Public Power, the Porto Said fisherwomen, on the banks of the Barra Bonita Hydroelectric Power Plant dam, on the Tietê River, SP, do exist. They practice artisanal professional fishing and maintain a relationship of identificathion and affection for the River Tiête. They live in precarious housing, set up almost twenty years ago, within the Permanent Preservation Area (APP), without basic sanitation, away from the city, living with the precariousness of public transportation, drinking water and electricity, a situation that continues until today. The fishermen get their livelihood from fishing, and they feel the difficulties arising from the forgetfulness of the local Public Power. It is imperative that they live on the banks of the dam, so that they can continue to exercise the profession of fishermen. At the base of
the process of neglect of the public power with the Village of Fishermen of Porto Said is the lack of research and data surveys on the needs of this community, in order to create public policies that benefit them. For many years, the construction of housing was promised, which has not happened yet, although Botucatu is benefited by thousands of homes in the Minha Casa Minha Vida program. The fishermen are strong links in the construction of this Village, the work done and the resistance to continue to practice this profession.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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