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Tectonics of modern industrial heritage: Factory of “Bombril Nordeste”, in “Abreu e Lima” city [state of Pernambuco, Brazil].
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Tectonics. Industrial architectural patrimony. Modernity.

How to Cite

Melo, A. A. de A. e. (2018). Tectonics of modern industrial heritage: Factory of “Bombril Nordeste”, in “Abreu e Lima” city [state of Pernambuco, Brazil]. Labor E Engenho, 12(3), p.378–391.


This article presents the tectonics of the modern industrial patrimony, taking as a case study the Bombril Factory (1979/1983) — a building located at BR-101 Norte, in the city of "Abreu e Lima", Metropolitan Region of Brazil, Recife, Pernambuco. The objective of this work is to bring to the surface the debate on the constructive dimension of the modern industrial architectural patrimony, the solutions employed in the party, in structural systems, skins, details and in the materiality of the work, which contributed to the consolidation of a line of developed projects during modern times. At the 2003 Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), a document was drawn up, entitled Letter from Nizhny Tagil (2003), which , the entire heritage of industrial heritage must be studied, its history must be taught, its purpose and its meaning must be explored and clarified in order to be known to the general public. This article is one of the results of research carried out by the Research Group Architecture and Place registered at the UFCG and CNPq, which has sought to recover both the modern production and the one related to the regional industrial architectural collection, with researchers who dealt with the themes, even with different approaches.
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