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Connection of urban green patches in Sao Paulo [SP/Brazil]. Case study: Alfredo Volpi and Povo’s Park
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Urban green patches’ connection
Land mosaic
Patch – corridor – matrix’s model
Green infrastructure
Links and sites’ system.

How to Cite

Suassuna, S. B., & Franco, M. de A. R. (2019). Connection of urban green patches in Sao Paulo [SP/Brazil]. Case study: Alfredo Volpi and Povo’s Park. Labor E Engenho, 13, e019005.


This article discusses the urban eco - social characterization of urban green patches and how it can influence decisions related to Environmental Urban Planning and the implantation of elements of green infrastructure. As a case study, two green patches, located in the Center - West region of the city of São Paulo, were selected: the Park Alfredo Volpi and the Park of the People. The methodology used for this characterization was mainly based on the concept of Territorial Mosaic and the model patch - corridor - matrix of Richard Forman (1995), in the concept of Green Infrastructure and the system of hubs, links, and sites elaborated by Benedict and McMahon (2006), and in the information provided by the administrative sector of both parks.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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