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Physical activities in the healthy urban context: the Conchal city [estate of Sao Paulo, Brazil] experience
PDF (Português (Brasil))


Physical activities. Urban Planning. Health city.

How to Cite

Guarnieri, J. C. (2018). Physical activities in the healthy urban context: the Conchal city [estate of Sao Paulo, Brazil] experience. Labor E Engenho, 12(4), 533–539.


In the Magna Carta of Brazil, the Brazilian Constitution (1988) brings us premises for urban development through the social function of the city, thus providing a healthy life worth living. This study aims to report on the implantation of a Physical Activities Project in a small municipality belonging to the Network of Potentially Healthy Municipalities (RMPS), whose focus is to promote a healthy urban environment. The methodology of this study is descriptive from the National Policy for Health Promotion (PNaPS) in 2014 in Brazil and was a case study with the collection of results in the years 2010 to 2018 in the Municipal Department of Health of the city of Conchal [estate of Sao Paulo, Brazil]. The implantation of Physical Activity projects was accomplished through the creation of a Local Committee, based on the methodology of the RMPS, which provided a mapping of the actions developed in the territory of that municipality and the healthy management of the federal pass-through of the Ministry of Health (MS) since 2010 destined for implantation and implementation of health promotion projects in the fight against sedentarism. It is important that the municipal representatives comprehend the current policies of the health promotion with a focus on urbanism. The participation of the municipality in the RMPS contributes with regard to the promotion of health and exchanges of experiences with other municipalities.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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