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Training for Healthy Municipalities: trajectory, experience and challenges for the "Pernambuco" Network of Healthy Municipalities
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Health Promotion
Healthy Cities
Shanghai Declaration

How to Cite

Sá, R. M. P. F. de, Freire, S. M., & Salles, R. S. (2018). Training for Healthy Municipalities: trajectory, experience and challenges for the "Pernambuco" Network of Healthy Municipalities. Labor E Engenho, 12(4), 509–518.


This paper deals with the Pernambuco Network of Healthy Municipalities (RPMS), its experience and specific challenges for thematic training that it has been doing since 2004, in the context of the reemergence of the ideal of healthy cities in the world context, after the Meeting of Mayors which took place in Shanghai in 2016. The main courses, target audience and program content are described. Theoretical-conceptual reflections are carried out on the RPMS journey. In a new scenario, one should consider the 2030 agenda and the goals of sustainable development, one of which addresses the issue of healthy cities, towns and communities (MCCS). It presents the guide of the Pan American Health Organization for the implementation of the Shanghai Declaration and discusses the possibilities of adopting this guide in the new training proposed for the RPMS. The new challenges that have arisen in the area of virtualization, the need to change approach and concept on health promotion, non-location and mixofobia, and it is pointed out that these emerging themes need to be addressed in the formation that the RPMS offers.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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