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Smart Cities are Healthy Cities?
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Smart City. Healthy City. Technology

How to Cite

Costa, M. M. A. e F. F. da, & Hardagh, C. C. (2018). Smart Cities are Healthy Cities?. Labor E Engenho, 12(4), 525–532.


The purpose of this article is critical for the practices and goals to be "magical" appeal for technology to an intelligent city and its contribution to a healthy city reality. The reflection occurs from the exploration of concepts of productive obsolescence, human-technological and digital hybridism that is developed excluding technologically illiterate people. Analyzing if the situation of technology in the city and citizenship in a disruptive health scenario can be in fact understood as a city built for progress and programmed to promote a healthy and collective coexistence. It is proposed first, to explore the concepts of technology, obsolescence and digital connection. Second, reflect on the tools of technological intelligence and their relevance in healthy urban centers. Third, it is questioned if the relationship between technology and urbanization is in fact being beneficial for the city and the citizens. Essential questions: How does productive obsolescence occur? Can we rely on technology for a healthy city or just a smart city? This article therefore intends to grant subsidies for an investigation into alternative ways of educating citizens without being seduced by the appeal.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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