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The urban vegetation as thermal comfort service
PDF (Português (Brasil))


City forestation planning
Vegetation cover
Local temperature
Green infrastructure
Heat island
Urban ecological succession.

How to Cite

Souza, C. M. de, Leite, L. P., Perini, P., & Karzmierczak, L. (2019). The urban vegetation as thermal comfort service: a proposal for a metropolitan neighborhood in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Labor E Engenho, 13, e019014.


Cities have been highlighted for its contribution to global warming whereas the lack of green areas is one of the main factors. Vegetation promotes environmental improvement and supports local thermal control, therefore, greening projects are important for urban planning. This project aims to present an urban forestation proposal for a neighborhood in Sao Paulo metropolitan region, Brazil focusing on thermal amelioration. Our methods involved green cover index measurement using geoprocessing tools and an urban forestation project proposal using mapping and drawing tools to increase the green cover area. As results, the area presented 18% of vegetation cover by the study time. The urban forestation planning utilized free public spaces and proposed new spaces throughout mobility changes. They were used tree species from a range of successional ecological stages to promote shading for paved surfaces over time. Tree allocation planning reached 37% of green cover, more than doubling the present green cover area in a homogeneous and well-distributed way. Other researches have been addressing the use of urban forestation process as
an important approach for urban planning regarding local temperature mitigation. We conclude that forestation as urban green planning is a functional approach to address climate regulation in urban areas.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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