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Brazilian’s industrial heritage in the 21st. century: a bibliometric study of the state of art
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Industrial heritage
Industrial archeology
Cultural heritage
State of the art
Bibliometric study.

How to Cite

Silva, R. A. R. da. (2019). Brazilian’s industrial heritage in the 21st. century: a bibliometric study of the state of art. Labor E Engenho, 13, e019010.


The studies of Brazilian’s industrial heritage are the focus that present in this paper. The actual stage of state of art is preliminary and involve academics, work groups and other researchers that determines a set of academic and scientists who bring the theme to the current discussion and build a theoretical corpus and practices whose attention is focused on the theme. From this idea the methodological basis of research is constructed, as a bibliographic study whose binomials "industrial heritage" and "industrial archaeology" define a network of correlation and its predictors. As a field of research are the national and international meetings of the period 2004-2018, in addition to the databases of academic portals in Brazil: Portal of Newspapers (CAPES/MEC), the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD/IBICT) and the Public Domain Portal (MEC). The cross-referencing of the information determined an analysis of the research fields and research areas related to the industrial heritage. Thus, it is sought to evaluate the theoretical-practical field built, in addition to understanding its insertion in different scenarios from the second decade of the 21st. century. Its conception intends to bring to the discussion the importance of the industrial spaces according to their importance in the formation of Brazilian heritage and society.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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