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The leather industry in “Roliúde Nordestina” (Brazil): Crafts as protagonists and artistic objects
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Industrial patrimony
Cultural identity.

How to Cite

Castanha, A. A. A. de O. (2019). The leather industry in “Roliúde Nordestina” (Brazil): Crafts as protagonists and artistic objects: crafts as protagonists and artistic objects. Labor E Engenho, 13, e019013.


This article has as object of study the industrial patrimony of leather and the design collection Vernacular of local handicraft of the city of Cabaceiras, better known as "Roliúde Nordestina", located in the microregion of eastern Cariri Paraíba, located at 420 m altitude in the Serra da Borborema, 183 km from the capital of the state João Pessoa and with a desert climate. The city has a rich collection of 19th century preserved houses, where several museums work. It is renowned for its rich goat leather craftsmanship and leather tanning, which is more of a tourist and cultural attraction. Through research carried out by the Architecture and Local research group, linked to the graduation course in architecture and urbanism of the UFCG and registered at the CNPq, the objective of the article is to rescue the leather industry, observe what collaborating in the construction of this century-old tradition, as well a relation that exists between a manufacturing of the raw material (industrial), with a production of leather handicrafts and consequently with city, revealing its cultural identity. The presentation of this work is justified by the novelty of the theme related to the industrial heritage of Cabaceiras, and it can fit into a categorical discussion of cultural landscape.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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