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Urban planning, policymaking and scenarios of land uses' design


Land uses
Policy making
Urban planning

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Vargas-Hernández, J. G. (2020). Urban planning, policymaking and scenarios of land uses’ design. Labor E Engenho, 14, e020002.


This paper is aimed to analyze the implications between urban planning, policymaking and scenarios of land uses’ design. The analysis assume that urban planning and design contribute to the quality of a city’s land uses and landscapes that are related to factors that improve qualitatively urban areas and the upgrading neglected areas. It begins analyzing the urban design and planning and its relationships with the urban land uses, policymaking and strategies to resume in design scenarios. It is concluded that urban planning, policymaking and design of land uses are relevant activities to manage urban land resources to achieve sustainable urban development.


Keywords: Design, land uses, policy making, scenarios, urban planning.


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