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Crushed sand as na alternative to natural sand in concrete confection
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Cementitious matrices
Natural sand
Crushing sand

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Guimarães, C., & Gomes, M. V. A. (2020). Crushed sand as na alternative to natural sand in concrete confection: a state-of-the-art view. Labor E Engenho, 14, e020005.


The sources of natural sand, coming from the river beds, are increasingly distant from the consumption centers, causing as a consequence the gradual increase in their cost over the years. Reduction of deposits and bureaucracy for environmental legalization are also factors that drive new research related to the replacement of natural sand as a fine aggregate by the construction industry. This work seeks to expose the state of the art of the researches carried out, through the Web of Science, Lens and Google Scholar platforms, about an alternative to natural sand in the manufacture of concrete, aiming to improve the insertion of artificial aggregates in the market and its utilization techniques. Studies have shown the benefits of using crushing sand in concrete as well as what has been hampering its use. The angular shape of its particles and the amount of fines end up resulting in the use of more water to meet workability parameters. However, the increase in resistance to simple compression and the improvement of some of the concrete properties places the crushing sand as a great promise in the construction industry.
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