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Whole-body vibrations in urban public transport
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Whole-body vibration
Occupational vibration
Bus driver

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Holanda, J. J. da S., Franz, L. A. dos S., Andrade, I. F., & Bemvenuti, R. H. (2020). Whole-body vibrations in urban public transport: a systematic review of their relationship with working conditions. Labor E Engenho, 14, e020020.


The work of urban bus drivers is subject to constant exposure to occupational vibrations, which can have adverse effects on the health of professionals. There is a special concern about Whole Body Vibrations (WBV) due to the numerous factors that can influence the levels of exposure. Exposure to WBV in the workplace can be one of the factors responsible for back pain and other occupational diseases of drivers. Preventive strategies that can reduce exposure to vibration and contribute to a decrease in its effects are already known. Therefore, the objective of this study is to undertake a systematic review of the literature to determine the main effects on the human body generated by exposure to WBV and its relationship with the working conditions of bus drivers. The study also seeks to explore preventive strategies that seek to reduce exposure to occupational vibration of these professionals.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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