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Green roofs in environmental policies and as a mitigation measure for urban floods
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Hydrological modeling

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Roberta Morais, B., David Méndez Quintero, J. ., Rodrigues Macedo, D., & Antônio Nero, M. . (2021). Green roofs in environmental policies and as a mitigation measure for urban floods: a systematic review. Labor E Engenho, 15(00), e021018.


This article aims to report a history of studies and the state of the art regarding the concept of green roofs in environmental public policies and research related to the mitigation of urban flooding. Therefore, a historical bibliographic review of the techniques and studies used in the last 15 years in the management and planning process for the implementation of green roofs as a measure to mitigate urban flooding was carried out. Three search repositories were used: Scopus, Capes Periodicals, and Scielo. The search was performed using a set of selected keywords and their combinations in Portuguese, Spanish, and English. After processing and analyzing the information contained in the documents found, 33 works were obtained, in which applications and practical examples are reported, as well as the evolution due to technological innovation. In the selected documents, it was possible to observe that there are laws in force on the subject and that green roofs are efficient in the management of urban rainwater, contributing not only to the mitigation of flooding in cities but also to other environmental factors such as heat islands. Furthermore, it was observed that the performance in arresting and reducing runoff is increased when more than one sustainable rainwater management technique is used, such as the use of green roofs and permeable pavements.
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