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A Lower California development company
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Foreign companies
Industrial heritage

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Gómez Cavazos, E. E. (2021). A Lower California development company: history of the urban and agroindustrial ruins in the frustrated capital of the northamerican and english companies in the porfirian goverment, San Quintin [Baja California] Mexico. Labor E Engenho, 15(00), e021004.


A territorial concession in the late nineteenth century to the Mexican Land and Colonization Company of British capital that years ago was purchased from the International Company of Mexico of US capital, develops an initial economic and urban project trying to build an irrigation colony for the San Quintín valley and a powerful agricultural center as the capital of the company. The interest of the regime of Porfirio Díaz (1876-1910) in strategically occupying the territory and populating the distant peninsula had a clear intention, to develop through foreign capitalism diverse populations and try to consolidate cities on the Pacific coast. The English colony of San Quintín is an example of the territorial project of the Porfiriato in the peninsula of Baja California and has a valuable unnoticed industrial heritage that must be recognized.

Therefore, the objective of this text is to look in the industrial history to find the pieces in the territory that narrate their origin and describe their identity.
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