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Negotiations in the social production of public space. Popular colonies of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
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Social space
Public space
Socio-spacial negotiation
Socio-spacial pratice

How to Cite

Pérez Barragán, M. Y., & González Lugo, J. H. (2021). Negotiations in the social production of public space. Popular colonies of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Labor E Engenho, 15(00), e021023.


One of the vital needs of every human being is to socialize, which is why cities should offer every inhabitant spaces for meeting and coexistence. However, in some neighborhoods such as the popular ones, there is a lack of areas that respond to this need, which encourages the inhabitants to find disused areas and through negotiations enable them and use them for social activities creating their own meeting places. . However, it is evident that we do not all have the same ways of living and relating, which is why agreements are made to coexist in these places, which allows them over time to establish ways to carry out a social practice in harmony. The research managed to investigate the mechanisms in which these groups of people are organized through direct observation; the data obtained allow us to understand the vitality and permanence that these places have achieved. This work exposes some negotiations and forms of organization of places for socialization, sports and encounters created by people; social groups that inhabit various popular colonies of San Luis, which have been maintained for several decades with great vitality.
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