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The art deco bandstand in Goiânia
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Architectural heritage
Interventions on preexistence
Art Déco

How to Cite

Mora Pereira Caixeta, E. M., & Mota Rezende, M. (2021). The art deco bandstand in Goiânia: vicissitudes of a recognized heritage. Labor E Engenho, 15(00), e021008.


The Bandstand of the Civic Square in Goiânia (1942) is an example of Art Déco architecture listed as brazilian national heritage. However, it had several physical changes throughout its history, having even been uncharacterized and later reconstructed, a fact often hidden from official records. This article aims to build a historiography of the architectural interventions, highlighting the dynamics that brought the Bandstand to its current configuration and the relations of identity and memory. With this data it is expected to assist the understanding of the physical space and its cultural significance more broadly and clearly, its mutations, their actors and temporalities. Looking forward to guide responsible and careful future approaches that will be able to value and integrate the building in its urban and historical context.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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