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Wood construction
Temporary architecture

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Mennucci, M. M., & Palazzo, P. P. (2021). Catetinho: historic preservation of ephemeral architecture. Labor E Engenho, 15(00), e021017.


Among the monuments of Brazilian modernist architecture, the Catetinho, built in 1956 near the construction site of Brasília, is one of a kind. The only surviving work by Oscar Niemeyer built out of wood, it was intended to be a temporary office for the President of the Republic during the construction of the new capital city. This work discusses the current state of conservation of the Catetinho, how its design and construction techniques affect conventional wisdom on the preservation of both modernist and wooden buildings, and recommended strategies to protect material integrity and the legibility of its original design. The research points out that, while the hastily detailed structural system is itself a risk factor to the Catetinho’s durability, conservation efforts can be helped by a clear vision as to which among the existing materials and techniques are essential to the building’s identity.
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