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Urban mills
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Agro-industrial heritage
Industrial heritage
Porto Alegre

How to Cite

Oliveira, K. D. de, & Rocca , L. D. (2022). Urban mills: an agroindustrial heritage in Porto Alegre city [state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil]. Labor E Engenho, 16(00), e022022.


The present paper approaches the problematic around the preservation of the built Agro-industrial Heritage located in the urban area of the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Three old mills built in the first half of the 20th century are used as a case study: Moinho Rio-Grandense, Moinho Chaves and Moinho Germani. Although they share a very similar history, being important parts of the industrial heritage of the old industrial district of the city, the 4th District, each one of these mills has a singular current context, which allows us to analyze points of convergence and contradictions in the preservation of the Agro-industrial Heritage of the city. Thus, this article aims to analyze architecturally these three buildings, reflecting on their values as built heritage, building, in parallel, a clipping on the preservation practices associated with these urban mills. It concludes on the need to reflect on the issue of uses when addressing interventions in industrial heritage, seeking to balance the useful function of the building with its fundamental identity values.
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