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African intelligence in the reminiscent structures of the 18th century mining in Ouro Preto (state of Minas Gerais, Brazil)
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Industrial heritage
Ouro Preto (MG)
Remaining mining structures

How to Cite

Viana, L. C. A., Brusadin, L. B., & Brusadin, L. S. P. (2022). African intelligence in the reminiscent structures of the 18th century mining in Ouro Preto (state of Minas Gerais, Brazil): an interface between history, heritage and tourism. Labor E Engenho, 16(00), e022018.


The historical concealment of Indigenous and African peoples in Brazilian historiography may be one of the influencing reasons for not recognizing the contributions these peoples had in the construction of national heritage. For this reason, it was sought to show African intelligence in the development of mining activity that occurred in the mining territory in the seven hundred. This article aims to understand how industrial heritage can help in the preservation of the remaining structures of gold mining present in the city of Ouro Preto (MG). The methodology was based on bibliographical research and semi-structured interviews with representative figures found in that community. It was found that the Afro-centered narrative aligned with the mining heritage of Serra from Ouro Preto allowed us to interpret the space lived in the city and also how tourism can be an instrument for preserving industrial heritage.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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