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The structure of urban equipment in housing developments
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Urban equipment
Neighborhood unit

How to Cite

Franco Muñoz, R., & Carrillo Arredondo, A. A. (2022). The structure of urban equipment in housing developments. Labor E Engenho, 16(00), e022011.


The city is structured as a system that must be made up of various urban subsystems that are interconnected and intertwined for its proper functioning; urban equipment is an important part of this city gear and therefore is essential for the proper functioning of any city. The objective of this analysis on urban facilities is to reflect on and emphasize the importance of seeing its construction reflected in our cities with an adequate location, distribution and structuring of this urban system so that it works properly and benefits all social groups, in all their ages, needs and requirements. A housing development must function as a neighborhood unit and to achieve this objective it is necessary to structure the urban equipment by nuclei from the most immediate to the population, this is the first level of proximity corresponding to the neighborhood gardens, in a second level the neighborhood centers and finally the neighborhood center. Achieving this structure is a fundamental part for an adequate optimization of the routes carried out by the population without the need to use the vehicle, which is in favor of the sustainability of a city. In these nuclei of urban equipment, sites are built for all age groups, referring to children, adolescents, young people, adults, and the elderly where coexistence is established in neighborhood gardens, neighborhood centers and the neighborhood center. Each of them satisfies a coverage, distance and periodicity depending on each of these equipment levels. Planning the most appropriate location of each space and built facilities that respond to a specific activity according to the age group. These land uses must respond to a compatibility study.
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